Program Accomplishments

Nonprofit Program Improving the Lives of Ugandans

Teach Men to Fish trains people in construction skills and helps them become self-sufficient and independent by providing support and guidance.


I am so grateful to the good Lord to send you this report on what the apprentices have been doing in the last year.

I would also like to share our plans for the future and what we will accomplish through your support to Teach Men to Fish and SAMS (Society for Anglican Missionaries and Senders). 

In His service,


Teach Men To Fish Accomplishments

2023 & 2024


  • Apprentices were eager to get busy when Patrick arrived in Uganda. They started by reading blueprints and architectural drawings of the next phase of the building project.
  • Patrick’s wife, Miriam, brought joy to the apprentices by sharing Christmas gifts. 
  • They worked on casting formwork which would produce the anticipated product.
  • The apprentices put to good use the many skills they have been developing, from formwork to fabrication and placement of Rebar, to pouring concrete. All this was in preparation for beginning work on the stairs leading to the second floor.
  • Electricity and water were now available at the site
  • Some Lecturers and staff from the Medical School of Uganda Christian University came to the building site in Myanzi to look over the progress on the new facility.
  • There was a service at the church at Myanzi when the priest gave certificates of merit to our apprentices after they successfully completed their trades testing with the Department of Industrial Training Ministry of the Uganda government. 
  • A decision was made to focus on the structure being a community health center rather than a surgical center.

2022 & 2023


  • A group of twenty-two (22) new apprentices (12 women and 10 men) joined the group this past summer of 2022.
  • These new apprentices learned some of the basic skills from the previously trained apprentices in addition to online learning facilitated by Patrick Lutalo.
  • Patrick arrived in Uganda on December 4, 2022
  • All the new and existing apprentices were excited to be back together after 9 months! They started with Orientation and learning about the new Outpatient Surgical Center.
  • A poster was created to provide an overview of the new project. It was used for Patrick’s SAMS (Society of Anglican Missionaries and Senders) presentation at the New Wineskins Conference.
  • Patrick utilized blackboards, blueprints, and laptops to demonstrate to the apprentices how to begin their work on the project. Then they went outside to learn surveying skills.
  • An outside contractor was hired to grade the site with heavy equipment.
  • The apprentices learned how to use rebar in preparation for the foundation. Then they worked together to pour concrete for the pad foundations.
  • The Bishop and other clergy blessed the project and apprentices at the Groundbreaking Service.
  • The detailed estimate for the first phase of the Outpatient Surgical Center was contained in the Blog dated October 3, 2022, and the estimated total was $105,370.

2021 & 2022


  • The hospital in-charge nurse reported that over 400 children have been delivered in the maternity facility and is in constant use today. 
  • A cinder block-making machine and a paver-making machine were gifted to the apprentices. The blocks and pavers were fabricated by the apprentices for their construction projects as well as to sell in the community.
  • A motorized tricycle was gifted to the apprentices to help sustain additional construction work in the community.
  • A number of laptops and iPads were sent to Uganda with another missionary group. These were given to the apprentices to share when watching tutorials on construction skills.
  • Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) status was granted to Teach Men to Fish by the Ugandan government which allows benefits such as tax relief and the possibility of more local financial support.
  • Installing a sanitation system (septic tank)
  • Building an underground freshwater tank
  • Finishing the interior of the facility (i.e., painting, and finishing the kitchen and bathroom) 
  • Installing a solar water heater on the roof
  • Furnishing the facility with the necessary equipment
  • Landscaping 
  • The estimated costs for this year were $68,900.
  • A celebration of completion was held in February 2022 and a certificate of completion was issued by the local government.
  • Financial mentoring is being offered by Mr. Mark Nelson Ssebambulidde who assists apprentices with money management skills.
  • In the communities where the apprentices have worked, their dedication, hard work and observed teamwork have demonstrated their competence to community members.
  • Two apprentices are completing a two-year business degree at Uganda Christian University.

2020 & 2021


  • Apprentices gave out food and masks
  • Apprentices completed another roofing job in the community

2019 & 2020


  • In the third year of training, the apprentices put their skills to work on a new maternity facility in Naama.
  • Because the original building was beyond repair, apprentices began clearing land for the new building being designed
  • After clearing the land by hand, the site required major preparation 
  • A dedication ceremony was held with people from the community as well as visitors from several hours away representing SAMS and Uganda Christian University
  • Following days of rainy weather, construction finally began on the foundation of the building 
  • Rooms began to take shape (using concrete blocks they made!), and doors were added 
  • The outside of the building was plastered 
  • The building was nearly done except for the roof 
  • Although not completely finished, the new facility was put to use right away 
  • Starting this new facility required expenses including construction materials (such as rebar, cement, tarps for rain mitigation, roofing materials, etc.) and shipping. The estimated cost for this year was $56,800.

2018 & 2019


In the second year of training, the apprentices learned more advanced skills such as:

  • Working with concrete and masonry skills
  • Reading and creating blueprints
  • Laying paving bricks
  • Surveying 
  • Use of power tools
  • Plaster rendering
  • Additional field trips to local building sites to see the training put into action

Ten apprentices were offered jobs after this second training session

The estimated cost for equipment, tools, building materials, cement for the concrete blocks and pavers, safety equipment, and shipping was $36,200.

2017 & 2018


In the first year of training, we began with the review of basic math skills and helped apprentices see the importance of math in the construction industry. 

They also learned:

  • How to use a tape measure
  • The importance of the hands-on part of training
  • The importance of safety practices, including wearing hard hats and safety goggles
  • The value of teamwork
  • How to use basic tools efficiently and safely
  • They took educational field trips to local building sites

Three apprentices were hired by local companies at the end of this training session

The estimated cost of the first year was $25,400 which covered the initial tools for each apprentice, building materials for training, field trips, and shipping costs.

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