Dear brethren, greetings in Jesus 'name thanks to God for the gift of life has donated to us praise him. First and foremost would like to extend my sincere thanks to teach men to fish organisation for the great work has done through Namukozi youth group thank you very much. On my side, would like to thank your valuable support through Mr Lutalo Patrick that has helped me achieve success since I can stand as a woman and work for myself without waiting for hand-outs .I also grateful to everyone there for your assistance in accessing essential resources and materials that are very crucial for my practice. For really am among the new members to join namukozi youth group but through teach men to fish got to understand that also women can do construction and am very proud to be part of construction group through teach men to fish. Your support is invaluable thank you very much. Special thanks to Mr Lutalo Patrick for providing clear technical support whenever you meet us thank you very much. Dear friends, allow me to share my simple project through my small savings under teach men to fish projects which keeps me earning something and cater for my needs in case there is no on- going project. I promise to work hard so that inspire others and understand that women can also work for themselves but not to wait men provide each and every thing. Again, thank you so much for your help, I greatly appreciate your support through projects that has helped me achieve construction skills God bless you.

Dear friends would like to express my appreciation to teach men to fish for the great work has done in my life. My daddy died when I was still young and remained single parent. My studies could not proceed since there was a struggle in affording school requirements. I stopped in primary four and started looking for jobs so that can help mum and my young sisters to afford home needs. The success I had achieved through teach men to fish is highly appreciable and wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for everything you have done for me. Your help and support has really changed my life thank you very much. Special thanks to Mr Lutalo Patrick for your time and participation, that your hard work and dedication to me have been invaluable in acquiring construction skills and am so grateful for all that you do for us as a group thank you very much. Once again thanks to teach men to fish for your continued support and dedication, really appreciate thank you very much God bless you abundantly. Yours faithfully, Matovu Moses

Dr John R Moore, Consultant Paediatrician, Leicester, United Kingdom. 1937 - 2013 The Sycamore Trust set up by Dr John and Helen Moore is very pleased to be able to support Teach Men to Fish to enable Patrick Latulo to build the new Outpatient Surgical Facility. In 1980 he visited Uganda for the first time as part of a team of doctors helping in Kampala setting up the Makerere University medical school and was teaching students. He then returned twice more over the next 10 years helping the students pass their exams, as well as arranging training visits for the Ugandan doctors to visit the UK to gain valuable skills. After retirement in 1997 he went back to Uganda most years for several weeks until 2007. He worked in Mityana, Jinja and community clinics teaching and supporting the local medical teams.

I just wanted to remind myself of one of the biggest rainstorm challenges we faced at the very beginning of this project. All the column pad trenches got flooded and we had to empty everything by hand with buckets 🪣 to get them dry and keep going. These young men and women endured the sticky mud on their boots, all of us getting wet and muddy. It just built our teamwork spirit strong and we did it. For in Proverbs 22:29 it says, skilled workers prepare and do the hard stuff first with a lot of endurances, but in the long run, gain a good reputation that is admired by many and brings God's glory to light. We're so proud of these young men and women. Patrick Lutalo.